For generations Great Britain was the pinnacle of Rugby League in, er, Great Britain. Then in the Early 2000’s things changed, the game moved forward and Great Britain was called Great Britain and Brian Carney.
After that, England was used, and as the marketing men took over, they knew England needed something fresh, something bold, something that would grab the attention of people. They came up with the only thing possible to get the job done.
The Smear:
From that moment, the Fear The Smear campaign was born. Its not official, its a fan movement, and it starts here. Read on!
Where Did “Fear The Smear” Come From?
Fear The Smear was first suggested by Twitter user Ultrafitz and used with their permission.
Why So Smearious?
If you look at the red on the England team shirt, it is quite obvious that the look they were going for was a dirty, great big red red smear over the shoulder of players. Hence, Fear The Smear!
My Wife Cringed At The Word Smear, Why?
I’m not sure. I think women are just weird about some things.
Why Should We Fear The Smear?
Because The Smear is all about Fear. If you don’t Fear The Smear, who else is going to?
I Wanted To Buy An England Jersey. Did They Design Another One Without The Crayon Marks?
No, this is Englands Test jersey. a proud symbol of the games great history in England. See, Australia has Green and Gold, The Kiwi’s have the Black And White V, and England has The Smear.
What Does The Smear Represent?
Some suggestions are that it was designed by a three year old with a crayon. Other are that it was a white shirt that a girl sat on during that time of the month. There was talk it was a white jersey that Sam Burgess’ recent shoulder surgery soiled as he bled through his bandages too.
What Is The Buzz About The Fear The Smear Campaign?
Below in the Twitter Widget you will find all your latest Fear The Smear talk. Remember, if you are on Twitter and you are talking about the England side, you need to use the hash tag #FearTheSmear