Brian Smith Can’t Talk Shit About Paul Gallen And Then Delete His Tweets

Twitter is great because it is so easy to use. It allows people to broadcasts the first thing that pops into their head quickly and easily.

Sometimes that can cause you problems. If you are not careful you can Tweet things you will later regret.

I personally have a policy where I do not delete Tweets. If I think of something worth saying on Twitter, that is it, it stays up for better or for worse.

Twitter has got me in trouble in the past. You live and learn. You need to stand by what you say though. Personally I think deleting tweets is a bit weak…

Brian Smith has had a lot to say about Paul Gallen in the last 24 hours. I think its great! I love seeing what people in Rugby League really think about each other. The problem is that Brian Smith keeps talking shit about Paul Gallen and then deleting his Tweets.

If Brian Smith has something to say about Paul Gallen he should stand by his comments. Deleting them just makes Brian Smith look really, really bad!

If you are a high profile person like Brian Smith, you know the weight your Tweets carry. Smith isn’t some dopey footballer in his early 20’s that hasn’t cottoned onto the fact that having thousands of followers means you are broadcasting to a wide audience. He is old enough and wise to know what it means when he has something scathing to saying about the current New South Wales captain.

Sometimes players saying things that get them in trouble and their clubs force them to delete their Tweets. Brian Smith hasn’t got that problem to deal with.

If Brian Smith feels strongly enough about what he has to say, he should stand by it and stop deleting his Tweets. Be genuine, tell people what you really think and allow them to judge you on it.

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