When you look back over the last 15 years of the Cronulla Sharks the club has offered up a bit of a mixed bag of results. Going from a team everyone would like to see win its first NRL title, to being one of the most disliked clubs across the game due to the ASADA scandal and an eventual salary cap scandal of their own.
Could it have all been different though? Could the Cronculla Sharks have secured its place as the best club of the 21st century had other teams not broken the NRL salary cap themselves?
Since the year 2000 the Canterbury Bulldogs, Melbourne Storm, New Zealand Warriors, Parramatta Eels and ironically the Cronulla Sharks have all been involved in salary cap scandals. On Episode 11 of Fergo and The Freak Andrew Ferguson of Rugby League Project devised a system that penalised teams who broke the salary cap by $500,000 or more. Click below to listen:
The results were surprising.
The Cronulla Sharks would have won their first title more than a decade earlier than they eventually did. They also would have won more titles than they have right now!
To hear how this system worked and to find out which titles the Cronulla Sharks would have won, simply click the link below which works best for you and have a listen to the podcast.
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/fergo-and-the-freak/id1457964385
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1C6UQPMOKl9QAiiXk78LtV
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/fergo-and-the-freak
Google Play Music: http://fergoandfreak.libsyn.com/gpm
Player FM: https://player.fm/series/fergo-and-the-freak
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/eveic-8cb80/Fergo-and-The-Freak-Podcast
Overcast FM: https://overcast.fm/itunes1457964385/fergo-and-the-freak
Direct Link: http://fergoandfreak.libsyn.com/