Giants Sign World Superstar, Have Small Penis!

Its been known for years that the Huddersfield Giant have issues in regards to their standing in the game. Basically the Giants are a little, poorly rub club, playing out of a shit town who only reason for existence is that the game was founded in a pub there in 1895.

Huddersfield have pissed and moaned for a long time that everyone is out to get them, that rules have been changed to keep them out of Super League….when the fact is they have never been important enough for anyone to take 10 minutes out of their lifetime to find a way to screw over Huddersfield.

Well it now seems the issues in Huddersfield has changed tack a little and now the club goes out of its way to make over the top statements in some desperate need to try and feel important in some way.

A few weeks ago we had the super dooper announcement that this poor team with poor crowds was going to cut ticket prices, an announcement that was apparently the biggest announcement in the modern day history of the club.

To be fair, its not must of a modern day history to speak of.

Now we have the signing of Todd Carney who has been trumpited by the Giants Official Web Site as GIANTS SIGN WORLD SUPERSTAR.

How embarrassing.

Of course, we get the usual made up quotes from the Super League clubs PR department. Todd Carneys supposed quotes were good!

“I see this move as a fresh start for me away from the issues in the NRL and I can’t wait to get cracking.”

Those issues in the NRL being that he urinated an another persons head (Yeah….you heard me…their head!). The Raiders told him he needs to give up drinking for the rest of the year. He um’d and Ah’d about it…the Raiders tore up his contract and all of a sudden he was up shit creek, otherwise known as playing for Huddersfield.

It goes on however…

“I asked my Manager to get me to a club that can win things and the ambition shown by Huddersfield has convinced me that they can do just that.”

Now, if I ask my manager to get me to a club that wins something, anything….and he gets me a gig with the Huddersfield Giants, I’d take legal action against the fucker.

We also had the typical masturbatory quotes from a club official, in this case Giants Managing Director Richard Thewlis.

“Todd was voted the player that most supporters would want in their NRL team at the start of the year and to have him joining alongside Nathan Brown and Brett Hodgson from the NRL is a clear statement to everyone that Huddersfield are a very attractive option for the World’s best.”

What? What vote is he talking about? Carney has a history of off field problems and even the few clubs that thought about signing him for next season had questions about his off field behavior.

I read the Rugby League news from around the world every single day, and I’ve never seen any such poll!

Its just more of the same bullshit that Super League clubs come up with, and I can’t understand why British fans don’t question this rubbish.

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