League Freak’s Friday Night Fights: Wigan vs St Helens

In a new feature on LeagueFreak.com I will be putting the games best clubs, best coaches and best players in head to head battles that will be decides by you, the reader.

The first edition of League Freaks Friday Night Fights is a great one. An ancient rivalry between two clubs that hate each others guts!

Wigan and St Helens are two small towns in northern England that are both know for their Rugby League clubs.

The question is simple….which club is better? For now. For forever. Who is bigger? Who is better?

I’m not here to make a case for one club or the other. It is completely up to you to decide who wins this battle.


Which Club Is Better?

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Once you have cast your vote feel free to comment below and give your reasons why one club is better than the other!

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3 thoughts on “League Freak’s Friday Night Fights: Wigan vs St Helens

  1. Wigan brought Maurice Lindsey and Dave Whelan into the RL world. That is merely one of the millions of reasons as to why Saints are superior.

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