Which Sydney Based NRL Club Would You Choose To Relocate?

If you support a club in Sydney the chances are even you feel like there are too many NRL clubs based in Sydney. Sydney is the most saturated sporting market in Australia, and for good reason. It is the economic powerhouse of the nation, with the biggest corporate base to draw upon along with having…

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6 NRL Teams That Need To Put Up Or Shut Up In 2017

Talk is cheap, promises mean nothing, and the only team who will claim to have got the job done in season 2017 will be the one that lifts the premiership trophy over their heads on Grand Final day. A few teams should be looking at this season as being a bit of a turning point….

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Robbie Farah Accuses Gorden Tallis Of Lying About Potter Statement As His Future At The Tigers Becomes Clouded

Well, that escalated quickly! Yesterday on Triple M radio Gorden Tallis told listeners that Robbie Farah personally told him that Michael Potter can’t coach. That set off a shit storm that ironically probably saved Potter from being sacked on Sunday night. This is what Gorden Tallis said: “Robbie Farah told me to my face,” Tallis…

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